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If you want to improve your smile, dental veneers are best option. Veneers are thin coverings that are placed over the front (visible) part of the tooth. They look like natural teeth. Veneers can be used to correct a wide range of dental issues, such as:​

Dental veneers
"Transforming Smiles, Ensuring Excellence"


sigma Dental Clinic
Smile designing With DEntal Veneers
  • teeth that are stained and can’t be whitened by bleaching

  • chipped or worn teeth

  • crooked or misshapen teeth

  • uneven spaces or a large gap between the upper front teeth

Veneers are made of either porcelain or composite resin material. Your dentist will help you choose the material that is best for you. Each type of veneer has its own benefits.

Porcelain Veneers 

A porcelain veneer is a thin shell that is custom-made to fit on the tooth.

Crooked Teeth Treatment
Fracture Teeth Treatment
Veneers Bonding

Benefits of porcelain veneers

  • they are strong and long-lasting

  • they have a natural-looking surface

  • less tooth enamel needs to be removed than with a crown or cap

  • they don’t stain easily

Composite resin veneers

A composite resin veneer is made from a tooth-colored filling material bonded to the tooth.

Fluorosis Treatment
Composite Veneers

Benefits of porcelain veneers

  • usually less tooth enamel needs to be removed than for crowns or porcelain veneers

  • may mean fewer visits to the dentist—sometimes these veneers take just one visit

  • cost less than porcelain veneers

  • are easy to fix if they get damaged; although composite veneers are generally not as strong or wear-resistant as porcelain veneers, composite veneers can be repaired easily and quickly


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